Tuesday, October 30, 2007

30 Days of Night

My fascination on vampires urges me to watch this must-watch movie!

In Barrow, Alaska, for a full month every winter, the sun never rises and the entire town is plunged into darkness. So, what better place for vampires to show up and go on a feeding frenzy? It's up to the town's sheriff (Josh Hartnett) and his estranged wife (Melissa George) to hold back the forces of evil before all of the citizens are drained of their blood.

As night falls upon the town, vampires led by the ruthless Marlow appear and disable the power plant. Before anyone is fully aware of what's happening, the vampires begin to massacre the town. Eben manages to save himself and a small group, including his estranged wife Stella (Melissa George), from the vampires, but they are forced into hiding. As they try to wait out the month, one by one they are either infected or killed, soon leaving only Eben, Stella, Eben's brother Jake, and two other women.

With the end of the month approaching, the vampires break a nearby oil pipeline open, planning to burn down the town in order to keep their activities secret. Stella, having hidden under a wrecked car during this time, is trapped between the vampires and the fire. Realizing that she cannot escape on her own, Eben opts to infect himself in order to buy her the time to escape. Eben does battle with Marlow and manages to kill him. The remaining vampires, lacking guidance, cautiously retreat. As the film ends, Eben and Stella watch the sunrise together, and she holds Eben as he begins to combust from exposure to sunlight.


* Josh Hartnett as Eben Oleson

* Melissa George as Stella Oleson

* Ben Foster as The Stranger

* Danny Huston as Marlow

* Manu Bennett as Billy Kitka

* Mark Boone Junior as Beau

* Craig Hall as Wilson Bulosan

* Mark Rendall as Jake Oleson

30 Days of Night Review


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